Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Church: must it be physical, or can it be online?

So, I have been struggling lately with the idea of having to be in a physical church. Don't get me wrong, I love my faith. It's more that I am moving further into progressive Christianity, yet live in a fairly fundamental area. A blue dot in a sea of red, so to speak. My wife and I have attended a few different churches, and my wife still finds a home in the one we last attended for some time, but I have some issues with it, theologically and practically. There are a few churches I haven't tried in the area, but I am struggling with this: if I am part of a community online, and have trouble finding a like-minded group in my local area, should I just accept this as my current reality, until a group or opportunity presents itself? Can I accept this as my time in the wilderness?